We have put together a selection of documents which we hope will be of benefit to support the conversations you have with your child as we prepare for the return of all pupils on Monday 8th March.

A guide for parents and carers to prepare their child to return to school after lockdown – Sheffield NHS Trust

Sheffield-Parent-guide-for-supporting-children-to-return-to-school.pdf (sheffieldparentcarerforum.org.uk)

Trauma Informed Schools Guide

preparing_your_child_for_the_return_to_school.jpg (2479×3506) (traumainformedschools.co.uk)

Recognising and responding to Anxiety (traumainformedschools.co.uk)

Back to School Guide for Parents – Manchester NHS Trust

back-to-school-parent-pack-final-version.pdf (mft.nhs.uk)

Young Minds website

Supporting a child returning to school after lockdown (youngminds.org.uk)


Date posted: 4th March 2021 | Author: | Comments Off on Back to School Resources

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4+ had a brilliant visit from the Explorer Dome. The children were all dressed up in fabulous space costumes and loved clambering into the dome and seeing huge projected images of the moon, astronauts, planets and stars. They were told some wonderful stories about the stars they could see in the night sky and they learnt how to join the stars together like a dot-to-dot to make pictures. They particularly liked the story about Orion and Sirus. The children had a go at using their own imaginations to look up into the dome to create pictures from the stars.

Date posted: 23rd November 2018 | Author: | Comments Off on Explorer Dome

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Over the past year our school has been involved in a collaborative project with schools across the region entitled Routes to Resilience. This is a program that develops staff and pupil awareness about the character ‘muscles’ which we all develop as part of our learning. The project led by Mrs Edwards has impacted on many aspects of our school and we are delighted to have been recognised as a Routes to Resilience accredited school.

Date posted: 20th November 2018 | Author: | Comments Off on Routes to Resilience

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At the beginning of this half term the pupils had the opportunity to take part in a Religion and Belief Roadshow giving the pupils the opportunity to sample multiple faiths in one arena.  The faiths we were lucky enough to welcome were Baha’i, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Humanist, Jain, Jewish, Muslim and Sikh.  The pupils were able to experience sights, sounds and fragrances of the various cultures.  Each faith had a stall of artefacts that the students could handle and a practitioner who answered their questions.

Date posted: 15th November 2018 | Author: | Comments Off on Religion and Belief Roadshow

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The pupils at Church Langton took part in a Remembrance service as a culmination to their work learning all about the sacrifices of those who lost their lives in the First World War. Pupils had a series of lessons and assemblies in the week building up to our Remembrance service. During this the names of those from the local villages who lost their lives were read out. Our brass teacher then played the last post and the oldest children read prayers. All of the pupils made poppies and other artwork captured the memorable images of Remembrance.

Date posted: 15th November 2018 | Author: | Comments Off on Remembrance Service

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The children in Year 4 have been learning about Remembrance day and writing poems about poppies. The children had some lovely ideas and created some wonderful pieces of work.


Date posted: 7th November 2018 | Author: | Comments Off on Year 4 have been busy writing ‘Poppy Poetry’

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Year 6 made us all very proud last night when they performed at The Royal Albert Hall. The children worked very hard at learning a sequence of music as part of a massed ensemble and were also able to enjoy many other musicians from around the country.

Date posted: 7th November 2018 | Author: | Comments Off on Year 6 Perform at The Royal Albert Hall

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Well done to the pupils from years two and three who represented our school in the Tag Rugby Tournament held at Market Harborough Rugby Club. Thank you to Miss Parker and Mr Knowles for coaching the teams.

Date posted: 4th October 2018 | Author: | Comments Off on Tag Rugby

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Pupils from years three, four, five and six represented our school in the competition held in the Langton Community Hall. They answered a wide range of questions and should be proud of their achievements. Thank you to Mrs Hayward and Mrs Russell for supporting the teams.

Date posted: 28th January 2018 | Author: | Comments Off on Quiz Competition

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Mrs Manley was very proud of the pupils from years five and six who took part in the maths day organised by Oundle School. The children took part in various challenges with one of our teams finishing second out of the twenty four teams taking part.

Date posted: 28th January 2018 | Author: | Comments Off on Maths Competition

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