Friends of Church Langton School (FoCLS) is the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) for Church Langton Primary School. Our main objective as a PTA is to organise fundraising and social events for the school. These events give us the opportunity to engage with pupils and their family members in a fun and informal setting and help to further the relationships between the pupils, staff and parents. FoCLS is a registered charity (Charity number 1115364).
At our school, all parents, carers and staff are automatically members of FoCLS. You can get involved as much or as little as you want, but we hope you and your family get the chance to enjoy some of our events and activities whilst you have a pupil at the school.
The FoCLS Committee and Class Representatives
Our committee consists of three Officers (Chair, Treasurer and Secretary) and two Ordinary Committee members, who all lead the fundraising activities and act as the Trustees for the charity. In addition, each year group has a couple of Class Representatives who provide a link between the parents and the FoCLS committee. The support from Class Representatives is vital when it comes to organising our main events, from selling tickets to organising rotas of help.
How we raise money
We organise regular fundraising and social events throughout the school year, which include Christmas and Summer Fetes, an Easter Egg Hunt, Kids’ Discos and Parent Social Nights amongst others. We also raise money from other smaller activities such as our second hand uniform sales and Freeze Pop Fridays.
How we spend the money we raise
Mr Roddy and the School Governors provide us with a ‘wish list’ of items that the school would like FoCLS to consider funding. Recently these funds have gone towards some big projects such as the newly renovated 4+ playground, the all-weather football pitch and a new teaching kitchen. Money has also been used for smaller regular items such as Headteachers Awards and Mathletics.
How we get information to you
All FoCLS letters are sent home in the children’s book bags, whilst any emails and texts are sent directly from the school office. We do have a Facebook page which you can like and follow for handy updates and reminders – you can find us by searching for FoCL (Friends of Church Langton). Finally, Class Reps will pass on information about FoCLS via Class Facebook and WhatsApp groups when necessary.
How you can help us fundraise
- Name tags – When labelling up your school uniform, if you order your name tags from and use school ID 32523, FoCLS will get a donation from your order.
- Easy Fundraising – – A great way to raise funds for the school whilst doing your online shopping. You can register to support Friends of Church Langton School and every time you shop online at places like Ebay, Amazon and many other online retailers you can earn the charity cashback at no cost to yourself.
- Support our events – all events are optional, any support you provide will be gratefully received.
- Volunteer – If you would like to find out more information about getting involved with FoCLS, please do get in touch – we promise you don’t need to commit to a specific role if you don’t want to! We hold regular fundraising meetings which are open to all – meeting dates are announced in the school weekly newsletter and on Facebook.
A message from Mr Roddy
“During my time as Headteacher I have been extremely grateful for the work of Friends of Church Langton School. The contributions made over this time, both in terms of fundraising and organising events for the pupils, have made a big difference in the overall experience of the pupils at our school. I look forward to continuing to work alongside current and future parents allowing our school to continue to develop and thrive.”
Contacting FoCLS
If you would like to get in contact, you can do so by sending an email to or speaking to a committee member in the playground.