
We are pleased to be able to share the outcomes of our recent Ofsted inspection.  The inspection took place on 5th and 6th April 2022 and this was our first inspection using the Ofsted framework of September 2020. The governing body and senior leaders in our school have considered this report and believe it reflects our many strengths and identifies the areas of development which we have already been addressing.

The report states that Church Langton continues to be a good school. The details of the report elaborate further on the findings of the inspection.

It also identifies the following strengths:


  • The school’s curriculum is broad and ambitious.
  • Pupils are committed to the school’s golden rule that you should ‘treat everyone as you would like to be treated’.
  • Over time, pupils develop a love of reading. They read widely and often.
  • The school provides a wide range of events and activities to enhance the curriculum
  • The school is well led and managed. Senior leaders have an accurate view of the school’s strengths
  • Leaders have ensured that safeguarding is given the highest priority at the school


The full report can be read here:




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