School Visits

Trips and visits play a very important part of life at Church Langton.  We aim to enrich our curriculum offer through visits and by welcoming visitors to our school.

All classes will have multiple trips each year and in the past couple of years these have included: The Royal Opera House in Covent Garden, Westminster Abbey, The National Space Centre, Launde Abbey, DeMontfort Hall for Jack and the Beanstalk, Wicksteed Park, Flag Fen and the Botanic Gardens in Leicester.

In addition we have visits to school from performers such as: Subject Revolution Maths Challenge Day, Life Education Bus, Author’s Assemble Book tour and and other visiting specialists.

One of the greatest highlights for children during key stage two will have been their experience of two residential trips.  In year four the children get the opportunity to spend three days with staff at a residential activity centre.  This taster of living away from home enjoying new challenges prepares them for the longer residential trip that the children enjoy in year six.


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