
Maths learning at our school follows the high quality guidance of the White Rose scheme of work which allows us to ensure accurate coverage across the whole school. Teaching of maths at our school includes multiple elements including.

Pupils being taught as a whole class on the same content; we do not accelerate children to new content.

A high-level of teacher-student and student-student interaction where all students in the class are thinking about, working on and discussing the same mathematical content. We highly value mathematical talk and precise mathematical vocabulary, during both conversations and written work, and the expectation is that children answer in full sentences.

Challenge and the opportunity to deepen understanding of the key mathematical ideas provided for all.

Differentiation through paying close attention to the levels of support and challenge needed to allow every student to fully grasp the concepts and ideas being studied. Various strategies may include:

Ongoing use of AfL throughout the lesson, often referred to as responsive or diagnostic teaching. This allows us to identify pupils who have not grasped a concept immediately and offer an alternative model/ representation or alternative explanation. This may be during whole class teaching or in a guided group or during intervention outside of the maths lesson.

Self-marking. Many classes self-mark as a way of allowing pupils to receive instant feedback on their learning and providing ongoing AfL.

Reasoning opportunities and mathematical thinking embedded throughout the lesson. Children are expected to not only answer the question but also to explain how they came to the answer.

Ongoing use of our maths working walls. Our working walls provide a scaffold for learning.

Time to practise a new skill until children become fluent.


Our pupils have access to two different online maths programmes which have proven to be very beneficial in the deeping of their mathematical understanding.

Times Table RockstarsMathletics

Mathletics Parent Guide 

Further useful sites to support pupils’ learning can be found in link below.

Maths Websites for Parents and Carers


Please click the link below to see examples of how calculations progress through our school.

Parent Calculation Policy