In the final week of term we said a thank you and goodby to Rev Alison Booker who has been our school chaplain for the past ten years. Rev Alison is moving on to become Archdeacon of Oakham and we are sure she will be a great support to all of the churches she will be working with. During her time at our school Alison has supported many individual families and staff during difficult times, led many services, both in person and online, and set up the trips to Launde Abbey which we hope to re-establish later this year.

We are delighted to continue to have the support of Rev Jonathan who is also a school governor.

Date posted: 7th January 2022 | Author: | Comments Off on Goodbye to Rev Alison

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The pupils in year one, two and reception did a brilliant job performing “It’s a Baby” on the stage firstly to the rest of the school and then to audiences of parents. We were delighted to be able to welcome the audience and the children had a great time. The recording of the nativity is available to watch on the class teams.

Date posted: 7th January 2022 | Author: | Comments Off on Nativity Play

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Our Christmas preparations started with our annual decorations morning. The children enjoyed creating lots of different festive decorations for their classrooms and the trees in the corridor at the front of the school.

Date posted: 7th January 2022 | Author: | Comments Off on Decorations Morning

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We have been thinking about using kind words as part of anti-bullying week with the children reflecting on the way in which we wish to treat each other. A key part of this has been to remind the children that if they are ever concerned about something in school they should speak to an adult. The children have created different ways of showing kind words and these are now displayed in our link corridor.

Date posted: 30th November 2021 | Author: | Comments Off on Anti-Bullying Week

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We held our Remembrance Service with Rev Jonathan joining us. We focused on the names of the lives lost in the Langtons during the first World War which are listed on the War Memorial in Church Langton. We also lit candles for those who are not named and for all who have died in conflict. A group of pupils had also shared how they had been part of the Poppy Pilgrimage with the Parish Council and the University of Leicester.

Date posted: 30th November 2021 | Author: | Comments Off on Remembrance Service

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It was a pleasure to welcome Neil O’Brien, MP for Harborough to school as part of #ParliamentWeek . He joined our Collective Worship where he answered questions from pupils across the school. He then took part in a school council meeting discussing a range of subjects including climate change and the role of being an MP. He then had a chance to see the progress of new extension.

Date posted: 4th November 2021 | Author: | Comments Off on Visit from Neil O’Brien MP

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Well done to the group of pupils from years three and four who represented the school in the uni-hoc tournament at Robert Smyth Academy. The children, coached by Mr Knowles, played matches against local schools and enjoyed the chance to compete following their learning in pe lessons this term.

Date posted: 4th November 2021 | Author: | Comments Off on Uni-Hoc Tournament

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We were delighted to join the University of Leicester as part of the Poppy Pilgrimage in Church Langton this week.

The pilgrimage started in 2018, with eleven University students laying wreaths in the local area, following a dedication service at the University with speeches by Sir David Attenborough and Sir Peter Soulsby. In 2019, a further 15 sites were covered and the pilgrimage has now resumed this year.

Pupils from our school joined in the wreath laying and read poetry at the event. Thank you to Mrs Harrison for organising the event.

More information can be found here.

Date posted: 4th November 2021 | Author: | Comments Off on Poppy Pilgrimage

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We are pleased to share the annual report which captures the views expressed from the parent survey undertaken earlier this year. In the report we have sought to share the findings and also to reflect the way in which we are aiming to respond to these findings. We are proud of the feedback we have received and also hope that the report outlines our next steps in further enhancing parental engagement. The report can be downloaded from the parent survey section of our website.


Date posted: 14th October 2021 | Author: | Comments Off on Parent Survey Report

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It was great to see so many pupils from years 3,4,5 and 6 representing our school in the cross country run in Market Harborough. All of those who took part should be proud of their individual achievements and for the support they showed to each other. We look forward to the next event in the spring term.

Date posted: 14th October 2021 | Author: | Comments Off on Cross Country Run

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