Rev. Janet led our worship as we welcomed a local resident who received Maundy Thursday money at the recent service held at Leicester Cathedral. We heard all about why the Queen hands out coins each year and how the people who receive the money are chosen. The children were interested to hear all about the experience and see the various items given out on the day.

Photos of the assembly

Date posted: 22nd May 2017 | Author: | Comments Off on Maundy Money Service

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The children in four plus, year one and year two had a brilliant time looking at dinosaur bones and considering how palaeontologists work. The afternoon then involved a very exciting meeting with two dinosaurs, Sophie the teenage Tyrannosaurus Rex and Chewy the baby Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Date posted: 12th May 2017 | Author: | Comments Off on Dinosaur Day

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All of the school enjoyed the build up to Easter with various activities taking place. The pupils in year three, four and five put on a wonderful performance of their play “Roll Back the Stone”.

The children took part in our Easter activities morning where they had the chance to work with pupils from all of the different year groups. After that each class had fun completing the Easter Egg hunt organised by Friends of Church Langton.

Our Easter service at St Peter’s was led by Rev. Janet and was a lovely way to bring the term to an end.

Date posted: 10th May 2017 | Author: | Comments Off on Easter

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Well done to the year five and six boys football team who completed the latest round of fixtures in the Market Harborough league. The team played well, drawing against Little Bowden Primary School and beating Fleckney Primary School. Thank you to Mr Williams for coaching the team.

Date posted: 10th May 2017 | Author: | Comments Off on Football matches

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Well done to the year five class who took part in the South Leicestershire Collaborative Partnership Concert held at Leicester Grammar School. The fifth annual concert, organised by Mr Kirkland, involves the children from five schools working together in the afternoon to learn a series of pieces which they perform to an audience of parents. Each class have also prepared a piece they have been studying in school. This year the class have been learning to play the Taiko drums and so produced a wonderful performance of Japanese drumming. A big thank you to everyone involved in organising the event.

Date posted: 4th April 2017 | Author: | Comments Off on Year 5 Performance

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Well done to the football teams who enjoyed victories this week against Ridgeway Primary School. The boys’ team, made up of pupils from year 5 and 6, won 5-1 and the girls’ team, again with pupils from year 5 and 6 won a tight match 1-0. Thank you to Mr Williams for coaching both the teams.

Date posted: 2nd April 2017 | Author: | Comments Off on Football matches

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Well done to the year 2 class who had a fantastic afternoon rehearsing and then performing with pupils from the other South Leicestershire Collaborative Partnership Schools. The children used boomwackers to create a range of pieces and some pupils even had a chance to take on the role of conductor. Thanks to Mr Kirkland for again producing a fantastic opportunity for our pupils.


Date posted: 2nd April 2017 | Author: | Comments Off on Year 2 Music Performance

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Pupils from year five took part in the Diocese of Leicester Pupil Day Conference hosted by Kibworth Primary School. They had a great day sharing ideas and working with pupils from other schools, developing and creating expressive talents and thinking about RE in different ways. Thanks to Mrs Shuker for supporting the children.

Date posted: 28th March 2017 | Author: | Comments Off on Diocese of Leicester Pupil RE Conference

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The pupils in year five and six had a fantastic treat with a session with Gallone’s Ice Cream parlour. The children had great fun trying out mystery flavours and learning about how ice cream is made. Thank you to the staff from Gallones for visiting and providing the children with an exciting afternoon.

Date posted: 28th March 2017 | Author: | Comments Off on Gallone’s visit

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Well done to the children in years five and six who took part in the fixtures hosted by Robert Smyth Academy. The team demonstrated great sporting values as they lost narrowly to Meadowdale Primary School and drew with Market Harborough C of E Primary School. Thanks to Mr Baylis for coaching the team.

Date posted: 23rd March 2017 | Author: | Comments Off on Football fixtures

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