A packed audience at DeMontfort Hall were lucky to see a wonderful concert of performances organised by Leicestershire School Music Service which involved two of our classes. The show was opened by our year five pupils who performed Taiko Rhythms. This was a chance to share everything they have learnt with Mr Kirkland and Bullfrog Arts over the past year and it was great to see them enjoying the experience.
Later in the evening our year four class made up part of the schools choir who performed a series of songs linked to Roald Dahl. Having worked with the music service over the past term, it was an excellent opportunity to share their talents.
The evening involved a wide range of pieces from different schools and there were many proud parents in attendance. This concert has undoubtedly become one of the highlights of the school year, thank you to all who helped to organise and to Mr Kirkland, Mrs House, Mrs Sparkes and Mrs Hollis for supporting and leading the children.