Due to having no running water on site we have taken the decision to close the school on Monday 5th March.  This will be reviewed when the water supply returns to normal. Parents and carers will be kept updated through our text messaging and email service.

Date posted: 5th March 2018 | Author: | Comments Off on School Closure – Monday 5th March

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We have made the decision to keep the school closed tomorrow (Friday 2nd March). The welfare of the members of our school community is of the utmost importance to us and we wish to ensure that undue risk is not placed upon our staff, pupils, parents and carers.

Further updates will be provided through the school website, email and text messaging service.

Date posted: 1st March 2018 | Author: | Comments Off on School Closure – Friday 2nd March

Categories: Uncategorised

Due to the current adverse weather conditions and icy roads the school will be closed tomorrow, Thursday 1st March. With more snow forecast tomorrow this decision has been taken to keep pupils, parents and staff safe.

Date posted: 1st March 2018 | Author: | Comments Off on School Closure – Thursday 1st March

Categories: Uncategorised